Two of the most thought-provoking, mysterious, and, to me, most fascinating words of the entire Bible are these: THE WORD.
The Bible tells us that the power to comprehend the meaning of these two little words comes not from ourselves, but from God. Of course, it could be no other way knowing that the Bible was inspired of God or "God-breathed". And yet, do we even comprehend it? God-breathed-words-of-God being written down by human hands?
We can comprehend, but only if we remember of Whom we speak when we say: GOD.
The Jews understand it enough to know that even writing His name is a fearsome thing for frail man to do for such a mighty God, and so they write His name as such: G-D. I believe we Gentiles could learn from them.
Oh, that's right! We HAVE learned from them! For without all of the God-breathed words that the hands of Jews have written through the ages, we would have no basis for the New Testament. The New Testament is but a fulfilling of the prophecies written of in what we call the Old Testament. Better said is that the Old Covenant is fulfilled by the New Covenant.
Some Jews recognized this immediately the fulfilling of those prophecies about the coming Messiah: they were called the 12 disciples, Jewish followers of Jesus Christ, Himself also born of a Jewish mother....and of God the Father. These 12 Jewish disciples of Jesus Christ helped other Jews recognize the Messiah, and eventually we Gentiles were helped to recognize the Messiah. And all who recognize Him, do so only by the power of God….for He enables those whose hearts recognize, in the most basic of ways, that HE IS GOD, and we are not.
Just as it was the power of God by which Jesus was conceived by a virgin, just as it was the power of God that raised the brutally murdered Christ back to life after three is by that same power of God that we can somewhat begin to comprehend all that is meant by THE WORD, for there is so much there that I think we will have to wait for ALL understanding of it until we are standing in the very presence of the One who is called THE WORD: Jesus Christ. If we CAN stand in His presence, that is.
There are four chapters of the Bible (chapters, mind you, not books) that speak to me so tremendously of THE WORD. They are:
Genesis, chapter 1
John, chapter 1
John, chapter 15
John, chapter 16
I'd like to talk about some details of these chapters in this blog, but it would be much more beneficial if you would read these chapters for yourself first. In hopes that you will, I will hold out til Monday to continue this posting.
On Monday, Lord willing, God will help us all to better know the fullness of the meaning of THE WORD.
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