This posting is another of those interruptions that come along from time to time; where I just have to get something off my mind and onto this blog. This particular something has been bothering me for several weeks, ever since the posting I wrote about the founding fathers in answer to a question about them. But before I get into that I want to tell you a little secret about me: I LOVE TO DRIVE.
And while I drive, especially when I am alone, I listen to talk radio….all of it on a Christian station. I love to hear Christian teachers speak about the things of God. I'd rather talk about God or His Word more than anything else, which makes me a rather dull conversationalist when I'm around people who don't want to talk only about God or His Word as I don't do well at small talk.
All of which brings us, finally, back to the subject of this posting, which is about the things that deflect away from God.
The seeker-sensitive churches are an example of this type of deflection, for the thing that Jesus said the church was to be about was "making disciples of all nations". Disciples are unbelievers who have repented of their unbelief, and now believe in and trust completely in God by His grace through faith in Jesus Christ, His Son, who died for them. But repentance is not taught in seeker-sensitive churches. Look for the word repentance in their teachings. You will seldom, if ever, find it. What you will find is a lot of "positive" speaking, and reminding men of their sin and of their need for repentance just doesn't fit in with the "positive" crowd. You will find a lot of "How to Win Friends and Influence People" talk. You will find a lot of "the power of your mind" talk, or the "power of you" talk, but you won't hear much about repentance from sin or the power of God. There is a reason for this. No one can come to a saving knowledge of Christ without repentance. But seeker-sensitive churches "birth" a different breed of "Christians"…."Christians" born by the power of man, rather than by the power of God.
"This know also, that in the last days perilous times will come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemous, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." (2 Timothy 3:1-5) These "Christians" will look like Christians and will act morally like Christians, having a "form of godliness." But the big distinguishing factor is that they will "deny the power of God," replacing God's power with that of their own, because after all, they love themselves (and comfort and pleasure) more than they love God.
You see, the Good News that the churches should be preaching is that Jesus Christ is the Messiah (the Anointed One of Luke 4:18), the son of God (Matthew 17:5), conceived of God (Luke 1:30-33) and therefore God in the flesh (John 1:1-14), who Himself became the ultimate sacrifice for sin before a Holy God (John 3:16), who took the place of each of us who deserved the wages of sin which is death (Romans 6:23), and suffered that penalty on the cross for us (Luke 22:19). That Jesus Christ, died (Mark 15:33-39), and was buried in the tomb (Mark 15:42-46), but miraculously and by the power of God alone (Luke 24:6-7), was bodily resurrected from the dead (Luke 24:36-43) and is alive still today, seated at the right hand of the Almighty God (Ephesians 1:20), the One True God (whose name is not Allah). Jesus is the first fruits (1 Cor. 15:20) of all of us who will one day also be physically resurrected from the dead (1 Thess. 4:17) and who are meanwhile, "born-again" (John 3:3), spiritually resurrected with Jesus Christ (Romans 6:5), our Lord and Savior, by the power of God through the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:11), BECAUSE we have recognized that we are sinners (I John 1:8), and in need of a Savior (Romans 7:24), and that the Savior is Jesus Christ (Romans 7:25), and we have fallen on our knees before God (Romans 14:11) in fear (Hebrews 4:1)and trembling (Eph 6:5) and have repented of our sin of unbelief, and asked for His forgiveness (I John 1:9), received His forgiveness by faith through Jesus Christ (Romans 8:1), are saved (Acts 2:21) and now are living witnesses of the power of GOD within our own lives that have been transformed (Romans 12:2), and are STILL being transformed, not by the power or will of man and positive thinking, BUT BY GOD!
And ANYTHING that deflects us away from that truth is a ploy of Satan, the artful deflector of truth…and his goal is death to us all: keeping us all spiritually dead (not born-again, but unbelieving and ungrateful, proud and arrogant as Satan himself is) so that we will join him (Satan) in the "second death" (Rev. 20:13-15).
But this deflection from truth is not just in seeker-sensitive churches. It is in the world at large; the world that the Word says is temporarily in the hands of Satan.
The ploy of Satan in recent years has been "political-correctness". This is where we substitute the name of God with "a higher power", this is where we don't even speak the name of Jesus Christ without being labeled a "fanatic". This is where preachers and other Christians can be jailed for speaking the Truth of the Word. But as the church has gotten somewhat wise to this tactic, "political-correctness" has had to evolve to remain an effective deflection away from God. And so the new tactic, being used only here in America, a nation under attack from more things than just terrorists, is "Constitutionalism". I just did a posting on the founding fathers recently, and it grieves me to say this, but it must be said.
America has not heeded the words of Godly preachers and teachers who have called for "repentance". And so, the Godly preachers and teachers are being reduced in number, as new preachers and teachers are now approaching the situation from a different angle: patriotism and constitutionalism - such as the founding fathers had. After all, they are the ones who founded this great country, and this country was founded on God. They created the Constitution, an amazing tool of government, based on biblical precepts. Indeed, the Constitution is a great tool and basis of government. Yes, the founding fathers did their best, as many of us do today, to serve God in all that they did, and they did some of those things far better than we Christians do today. And yes, America became a great country because it was founded on the precepts of God and for so many other reasons, all having to do with God. All of this is true.
But evil deflection takes truth itself and uses it for its own purposes.
So that now, on my Christian talk radio, I hear more about "constitutionalism" and more about the "founding fathers", than I do about repentance. Christians are spending much more time crying "unconstitutional", when they should be crying "repent and be saved." There was even a newspaper article this week in which the author of the article stated that his only bible was the Constitution. I think the Constitution has become the politically-correct Bible of our times. The Constitution has a little of God in it, but not too much, making it politically correct even though those who have nothing of God in them are doing their best to take even that bit of God out of our country. It isn't that there is anything wrong with the Constitution. It isn't that we should disregard the Constitution. But do you see the deflection? Do you see the detour signs, taking us off the main road of Christian discipleship, and onto side roads of democracy, founding fathers, constitutionalism – all "good" things that appear to be leading in the right direction, but really are not, because the only right road, for our country and for us as individuals, is the one that leads to Jesus Christ?
America is a great country founded on God. But the fact is that America today is being manipulated by artful deflection to turn her back on God. America is looking to the Constitution and the founding fathers for its safety and shelter, rather than looking to God alone (Prov. 21:31). It is a very subtle deflection. Made more subtle by the fact that the things being used to deflect from God are based on Godly precepts. But they are not God. And, America, especially the Christians of America, must be careful to see these things for what they are: documents of government made by Godly men based on the WISDOM of scripture, BUT NOT SCRIPTURE, NOT GOD AND NOT HIS WORD. There is no politically correct substitute for God and His Word and never will be. And fear of prosecution in this country has re-routed the Gospel of the Good News into just a different politically-correct approach and attempt to bring God back into America. But it won't work. It is not intended to work. It is just another artful deflection of the Truth…the Truth that so desperately needs to be heard. Jesus Christ is the Truth of God: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14: 6)
I am thankful that God has placed lawyers and politicians in this country who fight for our rights; but Christians have a primary task that lies before them: and that is to teach men to become disciples of Jesus Christ, including the lawyers and politicians that are fighting for our rights based on the Constitution. "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned." (Mark 16:15-16). If we Christians will spend more time doing that, standing up and speaking the truth of the Word of God, we might see more in this country become Christ-like, and change in our country will come as more and more people are changed by the power of God, until one day maybe we won't even need a governing document like the Constitution, because the courts will be using the Word of God itself! But if we Christians will not do it, but will instead keep to political correctness, then Jesus Himself will take care of the matter when He returns. He WILL establish His kingdom on this earth, and is preparing it even now with that remnant who are not afraid of being politically IN-correct.
Let's not get on the political or constitutional band-wagons; let's get on the "Jesus Christ is Lord" band-wagon. It's the band-wagon that is traveling down the road we have been commissioned to drive on.
Our God is a jealous God (Exodus 20:5), and will allow no other gods before Him (Exodus 20:3): not the god of nationalism, not the god of constitutionalism, not the god of patriotism, not even the god of creationism. And all of these good things become evil gods when they begin to deflect from "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." (Acts 2:38-39).