If Matthew Henry, famous Bible scholar, were to ask you: “How much is the precious blood of Jesus shed at Calvary worthy to claim on your behalf?” – what would your answer be?
Don’t answer glibly or hastily! Give your answer some thought, as I have, so that you will not find yourself speaking as the hypocrites do...to be seen only, as being righteous before man.
Before you answer, think about what the blood is NOT worthy to claim. Is there anything that God would refuse Jesus on behalf of those of us who are called by His Name? If there is anything, I cannot think of what it would be. So, I think the answer is: “THERE IS NOTHING THAT THE BLOOD OF JESUS SHED AT CALVARY IS NOT WORTHY TO CLAIM ON OUR BEHALF!”
So then, let me ask you this question: what about HEALING - in all its forms – spiritual, emotional, and especially physical? Is the blood of Jesus worthy to claim healing, complete healing, in all these areas pertaining to us frail humans? If we have answered the question correctly in the paragraph directly above this one, then the answer to this questions must be: “YES. THE BLOOD OF JESUS SHED AT CALVARY IS WORTHY TO CLAIM COMPLETE HEALING IN EVERY AREA OF OUR BODIES!”
In other words, God cannot refuse this bold claim made by Jesus who intercedes for us day and night before the throne of God, any more than He can refuse any other bold claims of Jesus.
Remember, these bold claims before the throne of God are not made by us sinners. They are made by Jesus Himself, Who resides in us, Who brings us by His blood into the very throne room of God, where our requests are boldly put before God, appealing to Him for resolution and help in our time of need, in the Name of Jesus.
Jesus boldly asks for that which He Himself purchased, His own rights and our rights through Him, according to the rules of the covenant made between God and man ages ago. God legally cannot refuse Jesus anything that He asks. Not that He would want to anyway, for Jesus has proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they are in complete harmony, that God’s will is His will; thus the great love of God for this obedient Son, and thus the love of God for us who abide IN His Beloved Son.
Without the legal rights that Jesus purchased, our prayers would be like dust in the wind. It is the legal rights of Jesus, purchased by His blood, that are the foundation for our prayers:
For sanctification: “for by one offering he has perfected forever those who are sanctified” (Hebrews 10:14);
For healing: “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5);
For every other needed blessing: “for He that spared not His own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also give us freely of all things?” (Romans 8:32)
If the scripture tells us specifically that God WILL through Jesus give us ALL things freely and generously, why then do we have such difficulty in believing Him for the area of healing; unless it is because we think God unable. Is God unable to do what our mind cannot comprehend? Is He to be limited by our thinking? CAN He be limited by our thinking? NO! God cannot be limited even by our thinking, but our healing can be limited, our prayers hindered, our blessings rescinded...all by our own thinking....thinking that is called "unbelief."
“And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.” James 5:15
It was through unbelief that man fell. It was through unbelief that man was exiled from the Garden and faced, for the first time, the ability to feel pain, to suffer, to die.
It is through faith, then, that man will be restored. It is through faith that man will be restored from sin and the effects of sin, including illness and disease. And at the last trump, man’s body will be restored to immortality, as he once had in the Garden, way back before his unbelief or lack of faith enabled him to sin.
And once our faith is in place, even that given to us by God, what will stop God from restoring even our health? Again, I cannot think of a thing.
Remember that our prayers, our requests, our bold claims before the throne of God, set things into action immediately (remember Daniel's prayer and the angel's response?). What is set into action is the divine power of God Himself; divine power that compels the very elements of the universe to move however He desires them to move; divine power that causes atoms and molecules to realign themselves into different forms; divine power that causes withered arms to grow, paralyzed legs to walk, failed hearts to beat again, blood to flow again through once dead veins.
“...God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.” Romans 4:17
When did God call Jesus the “Lamb slain before the foundation of the world”? Long before Jesus was ever born. That’s how God saw Him.
When did God change Abram’s name to Abraham (father of many)? Long before Abraham was a father of even one. That’s how God saw him.
When did God make provision for Adam and Eve and all of us covenant-breakers to follow, so that we would not have to face our just punishment? Long before we were born...from the foundation of the world. That’s what God knew we would be before we were even born.
God SEES, God KNOWS, GOD CHANGES what we cannot see or know or change ourselves.
“Our prayer of faith immediately begins to change something somewhere in the universe, some heart, some circumstance, some physical oddity or impairment….because it is compelled to do so by God Himself. But God’s way is for us to believe first, on the simple evidence of His promises, and to continue to believe without other evidence, until we have proved our faith without sight. THEN He will permit us to see and know by the demonstration of the facts themselves.” – Matthew Henry
More on the bold claim for healing tomorrow.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
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